April 19, 2011

In Your Neck of the Woods: Rivalry: Forget Something?

Link up with us and show what's going on in your neck of the woods!

April 12, 2011

In Your Neck of The Woods: Toothpaste

This has nothing to do with any woods. But, it does have to do with my house. AND toothpaste.

I find toothpaste everywhere. Why? Why? Does anyone else suffer this problem?

PS Sorry my post is late. But I did have 8 min to spare! ha!

You can still link up to at theRHOK.com!

April 10, 2011

Perfect Pairings: Bolts

2 Samuel 22:13
Out of the brightness of his presence bolts of lightning blazed forth.

Join in over at ThatsBaloney.com for more perfect pairings!

April 3, 2011

Perfect Pairings: Beauty of Spring

Psalm 45:11 KJV

So shall the King greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him

Join thatsbaloney.com with Perfect Pairings! 


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