Reviews & Treats


The other day, I got a very exciting message from Chilihead via One2One network that they wanted to treat me and my family to a Tulsa Shock game! You know, Tulsa's new WNBA franchise? Well, who wouldn't jump on board for that?

After we donned our cute t-shirts they sent, we headed down to the BOK Center to watch the big girls play.

It was a great time.  They play some good ball and it was very entertaining.  Just ask my 6 year old Grayce who cried HARD in the parking lot when I wouldn't let her bring her DS & bag of toys in to play.  "This is going to be so boring," she yelped.  Well, she didn't say she was bored once after we got in.  (The big sno-cone at half time wasn't too bad either.)

The mascot Volt the Fox, provides a lot of amusement.  He's very active. My kids had a ball trying to spot him and Grayce tried her best to get his attention.  She was not sucesssful.  But, she had fun trying.  Afterwards, the kids even got to attend a short autograph session and have their t-shirts signed.  It was a great night!

And, guess what?? Just for being a Southern Family reader I can offer you a discount (20%-40% per ticket  depending on the price range) on tickets.  Really.

 $10 tickets will be  discounted to $8.
$19 tickets will be discounted to $12.
$25 tickets  will be discounted  to $15.
$55 tickets will be discounted to $30.
$60  tickets will be  discounted to $35.

Just go to , enter promo code   WNBABLOG to purchase tickets and   experience the WNBA's exciting, affordable, family-friendly,   entertainment!   You will need to create an account in order to use  the code,  simply enter your email address, create a password – and discount!     

Tulsa Shock  Tickets:
Tulsa   Shock  Web Site:
WNBA   Moms (those amazin’ players are also amazin’ moms!):
WNBA   Website:

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