So,I've posted about 12 years ago (see below). And now, I shall post about 8 years ago. Yep. My kids are 4 years and 1 days apart.
I am a serious planner, see. I am also very, er, regular. Both births occurred in even and leap years. What does that have to do with anything? I have no idea. Just pointing it out. (Also, I wanted a GIRL this time and printed a calender to get one, from Web MD, as 2 friends had done and succeeded!)
I am a serious planner, see. I am also very, er, regular. Both births occurred in even and leap years. What does that have to do with anything? I have no idea. Just pointing it out. (Also, I wanted a GIRL this time and printed a calender to get one, from Web MD, as 2 friends had done and succeeded!)
Grayce was due on 3-31-2004, the same day as Gavin. So, everything was on the same time line as the first time. And the clothes I had left, all still worked. I was teaching only part-time (once or twice a week) by now and that was a good thing. I was sick for 25 weeks with her. I had been for 21 weeks or so with Gavin. And I worked everyday at the bank, not missing at all so as to save ALL the time for maternity leave. I was often green at my desk. So, this time I was more free to puke. I may be the only woman you've read about that weighed less at the end of pregnancy than before and delivered huge babies.
I had had carpal tunnel surgery on my left hand by now because it never left me after I had it with Gavin. We were concerned about my back too, but new I'd have to work through it. For the most part during it wasn't too bad. I was in the hospital twice for dehydration with her- I got very sick during December with the flu. This time I also had a new Dr., Dr. W. I was still seeing my other Dr. (two hours away) until I was pregnant because I liked him so much. But, my friend Julia suggested Dr. W, and you know what? He and Dr. H could be like clones of each other. For real. And at his office, you got an ultrasound every single visit. And they only charge you for 2. They rock. Since we are on the same timeline by the way, on November 11- I found out what they were both times, within an hour of each other. It was totally an accident too.
We discuss inducing, again, because I have been so sickly and well, scheduling is better. They did not think she was too big, but was probably 7 or so pounds. We make arrangements for 3-25-04, but this time in the afternoon, 4:30pm. Well, then OSU happened to be playing that night at 6:30 in the NCAA. Dr. W allows us to wait until AFTER the game to go in- my husband yells too much to watch a game in a hospital. Dr. forgets to tell nurses this. They start calling me to see where I am. Yadda, yadda. We get there about 9pm to start.
The night is progressing. Going a bit faster than last time. I get an epidural in the AM sometime. You guessed it, no workey. Re-dose. FAIL. I'm impossible. Curses and PAIN. My parents visit for a bit and decide to take Gavin to lunch. Sometime during that I decide I'm ready to deliver. LOTS OF PAIN. And at 1:35pm Grayce was born. Many less stitches. And you know why? Gavin's head=15, Grayce's head=13. Uh-huh. She did however outweigh him at 9lbs 1oz and was 21 inches. No one could believe it...she didn't look that big at all. Good thing she did come early! She looked a lot like her brother, but with very little strawberry blonde hair- of course. Cute as could be.
I got on the phone and called friends. They took Grayce away, her blood sugar was 24. I had no milk yet, so there wasn't a choice but to take her and give her sugar water, etc. She went to the NICU because it was so low. They couldn't get it to come up.
Meanwhile I have been whisked over to the post- partum room, and really have to go. The nurses help me to the bathroom. Where I almost pass out. Blood is covering me and the floor and them. I am hemorrhaging. And a lot. They get me back to bed, call the Dr. back 911, and start doing things. I don't remember a lot. I am beyond woozy. There is a lot of pushing on my stomach. They finally get things under control. I am so out of it, and I have to remember the NICU schedule. They have had to put an IV in her head, but finally get her sugar back up. We stay an extra day longer than usual. OSU plays to get in the final four in between. I send Joe home to watch. We win at the last minute, but I think we lost because I had to go back to the NICU. All is well.
We go home on a Sunday afternoon. Tuesday Gavin has pre-school and we go to Walmart because we decide we need a bassinet afterall. I make it through, but am tired. My feet and hands start to swell- a lot. By Wednesday morning I cannot breathe when I lay down. I call in, and they tell me to go to the ER. I think I just am have anxiety or something. I call my sweet friend Julia, sobbing, and we take her Gavin. We have to take Grayce with us to the ER- we don't know how long it will be. I am taken back quickly. By blood count is down in the low 6's. It's suppose to be over 12 at minimum. The nurse doesn't even want me to get up to go to the bathroom- I was just in Walmart yesterday, I say. Cardiologists are called. I am admitted right away and taken up. Basically, I am in acute congestive heart failure. I get 2 blood transfusions. And a lot of heart tests, and a lot of meds to make me loose the water I am retaining like mad. I lose 25 pounds by the next morning of water. I stay till the next Sunday, having to pump milk and throw it out because of all the drugs. All in vain. Because you know what? Stomach trouble for Grayce too. But, this time- after a gazillion tests, assessments, and projectile throw-up AND poop-they figure out she is allergic to breast milk. 2% of the population. I'd rather have won the lottery, thankyouverymuch.
And, so after we figure that out and pay a lot of money for special milk for her- and buy this special cholic device that goes under the crib to make it like a car ride- she is the best sleeping baby ever. Thank goodness. But, I've gotten carpal tunnel severely in the right hand this time and have to have surgery when she is 7 months. Also, when I delivered her and what not- it ruptured the disc that Gavin bulged. By the time she was 13 months old, my left leg was numb and I walked with a limp. I had to have surgery when she was 15 months- or I would risk permanent damage. So. If you ever wanted to know why I only have two kids- there ya go!