August 20, 2008

Our New Pastime....

Okay, besides the Olympics. *But quickly off subject (because I haven't Olympic blogged yet) the Olympics are another pastime at the moment and we love cheering them on daily and into the night. Grayce and I more into the night than anyone else, since we are the night owls around here. We are loving the Olympic glory! Woo hoo!
Back to my original post of our New Pastime, which is....waiting for 1pm (actually leaving our house at 12:40pm to get in line for drop off at 12:50). That is when Grayce's school starts. She LOVES school, people. It is killing her to wait to go until after lunch. She asks me for lunch starting about 8:52am, because she thinks this might move things along.

Grayce(8:52am)-"Mama, can I have my peanut butter sandwich now, then go to school"
Me-"No, Grayce. It still won't be 1 o'clock."

Grayce(9:34am)-"Mama, is it time for lunch NOW?"
Me- "No, Grayce."

Grayce(10:05am)-"But Mama, the hand on the clock is on the number 1, I see it."
Me-"Yes, Grayce. But that means it is 10:05 am, not 1:00 because the big hand is on the one and not the little one."
Grayce-"It's never time for me to go to school!"
This is what we do all morning. It cracks me up. Please tell me she will be this excited about it about 6 years. Heh.

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