Gavin's game Saturday was against Sand Springs Gold and they won 13-12! It was a great game and Gavin played really well. And because I never want to disappoint those who might want to see 198 3rd grade football pictures, HERE is the link to them all (I'm the team mom, I'm in charge of these things).
Hopefully, I describe these right. But, here I think he is making a hand off to one of the 3 boys named Zach on our team on a reverse.
And this one- well, I had to include it because it was the greatest play he made the whole game. And the stinking ref got in the way of the stinking picture. Uh, hello??? Don't you know mom's are trying to photograph these events buddy? And there you are with your big ol' body right in the way! Gavin was playing cornerback and was able to read it was a pass in time to come up and try to catch it/ break it up. It was great, even though that man ruined it and you will have to imagine what is happening in front of him, unless you have x-ray vision and can see through his stripes.
gavin plays cornerback lol
You are too funny!! Soccer refs aren't any better.
OMG! Is that a BIXBY shirt? I used to teach there....4th grade...I quit to stay home in '01 and HOMESCHOOL!! I taught at last year, I taught ART.....akkkkk, 550 students in my class over a 3 day period...that was say the least. I love your front door!
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