June 29, 2009

Hula Hoopin to Shout!

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June 28, 2009

Oh my! An Extremely Random Post

So today, I was doing some cleaning up of the blog layout and I see that a comment needs moderated. This only happens if it's on an older post. Well, low and behold. It's totally made my day. My garage door is on a Garage Door company's blog in Atlanta, GA. I am totally flattered ya'll. That's like the BEST post I have ever done. Perhaps I should start faux-ing more often!

This past week was SO stinkin hot here, that I had NO desire to put this HOT laptop on my lap to blog. We were still recovering from the pageant, and during this hottest week seemingly evah in Oklahellma- our AC broke. I mean, come on. When will the luck change? Tuesday night it was almost 90 degrees in here. You try sleeping in a 90' house and see if your chipper enough to blog. Plus, I had to pay like $200 bucks, I would have much rather spent on something else!

THEN, this past weekend was the annual Tri-Delta reunion over in Stillwater. It's so fun to get to go hang with college friends. Unfortunately, it also reminds you how old people are. *Ahem* Not me, of course. But OTHER people. And, it was 108 degrees out. Today's 98' seemed downright chilly.

Ok, then also- Ed, Farrah, Michael, and Billy all died! Wth? Almost more than I can take. I don't like people being all mean about Michael either. He was a music legend, a video pioneer- I mean, just remember his life before all the fame weirded him out. Please? Because when I think of him, I think of the Thriller album cover and not the missing nose and surgical mask. You can choose to do that like me too, right? Yes, I know you can. Ed and Farrah weren't so much of a shock as Michael and Billy, but sad nonetheless. I'm almost positive that Billy Mays will have died from the head injury the day before at the bad landing of his flight. Just like Natasha. This should make you all aware- if you hit your head, go get it checked out ASAP. No matter what!

Alright. Hope you enjoyed the 'Ketchup' post, as MckMama calls it. Seeing as how I am now watching sportscenter and I am the only one up- I am going to change the channel and relax. Feel free to comment with your favorite Michael Jackson song, and Billy Mays product if you like.

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June 23, 2009

The Weekend

With her winnings....
Her "Queen" shelf, as she calls it.

Casual attire.

The froo-froo dress.

Talent costume.

So, as promised- here is a re-cap of our weekend, and Grayce's trip to the State Diamond Miss pageant.

First, I don't think I'm cut out for this. I mean I have been sick at my stomach since last Thursday. Wasn't able to eat all weekend, and still can't without getting a little or a lot sick. I may need anxiety meds to continue on....Grayce wasn't nervous at all. Just me.

The pageant took what seemed like forever to get done with- as we had stuff spread out from 4pm Friday to 8:30am Sunday. And I DO NOT like Chickasha, OK. Or the stinky Best Western there. Yuck. Grayce performed wonderfully. This pageant is not like what you think of when you think Miss America (winner wise), or what you think of little girl pageants. Diamond Miss focuses heavily on Talent, Modeling, and Interview. It's more of preparedness for Miss America. Since girls that are 3 are essentially competing against girls that are 18 for the over all titles, it's unlikely that your 5 is going to win the whole pageant. So, State winners in Talent and Modeling within the age groups are the sought after crowns for the younger ones. Grayce was 1st runner up in talent and 4th runner up in modeling. Her scores were very good, quite a few perfect- so I am not sure what the other girls had.

Her talent was a wonderful fiasco- which didn't even make her flinch. 434 times we'd practiced it and not once did the hula hoop get caught on her glove or her hair. But it did Saturday! The first time she must have spent a whole minute trying to get unstuck and the emcee had to help her- but she went on and finished it out. The judges asked if she wanted to go again- and I ran back stage where she told me she didn't want to with the gloves on. I told her we'd just take them off. So, she was fine to go again after the next person finished. Her routine is almost 3 minutes of non-stop motion, by the way. She went out to go again- and it caught in her hair- only momentarily this time- but when she went to throw it off, the timing was just right going into her cartwheel that her foot launched it almost off stage! Kinda of like it was supposed too! Oh my! She didn't even worry about it, just went on smiling and dancing. We got it back on the stage for her by the time she used it again. I will have video soon of it which I will upload as soon as I can. (you had to buy the DVD's, no filming allowed of course! Argh) Later Sunday at the awards breakfast, she won the Silva award for her unwavering, excellent performance- because everyone was sure no one else would have had the guts to go on. The director said even a big girl surely would have burst into tears and ran off stage. This award won her $225 towards entry fees to Nationals. Great.

So, because she didn't get crowned, only 2 big trophies, a melt down came on quickly. And she was MAD. Really, really mad. First, she was never going on stage again. But now, she is going again, because she is going to win, by golly. I'm gonna need a fundraiser for that, ya'll. Even with her winnings, this is going to cost out the wazoo. Nationals is spread out over 6 days. We will have to stay in stinky Chickasha for 5 nights. The cost of that alone is over $300. She has to have a new dress, and other new outfits and the other entry fees (like $300 more!). Aye yi yi. I twittered yesterday about fundraising ideas- and I wasn't kidding. Any ideas?

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June 18, 2009

Here We Go

Miss Froo- Froo and the fam are headed out tomorrow for the BIG pageant. Hopefully she remembers the dance. I am sick with anxiety. Why? She isn't. Anyhow, I will check in when I can with how its going.

Will be back Sunday night!

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June 15, 2009

Busy, busy

Well, I've been MIA for a few more days due to the deep clean of 2009. It took me 11 hours to clean out, move a dresser, and touch-up paint Gavin's room. And, I also put up some Uppercase Living art I've had for over a year! Then today I spent 5 hours cleaning out Grayce's room. We have also had 4 baseball games in 5 days, and I am more than exhausted. I am so tired I can't really sleep. And sore. VERY sore.

This one above is a growth chart, so to speak....and its on the wall by the laundry room. It looks really cool there on the blank wall, I think.

This one is to remind certain children what needs to happen when visiting the bathroom. It's on the mirror.

Oh. Look. It only took 11 hours.

Here is the wall art- but on Grayce's dresser. Love how it turned out!

This is the one on Gavin's wall. Really like it also.
So now, I am taking a cleaning break for the rest of the week. Thanks to the hubs for doing laundry, ironing curtains, and emptying dishwasher while I was slaving away in the bedrooms. This FRIDAY we leave for the State Diamond Miss pageant. I feel I maybe resembling a Toddler's and Tiara's mom as of late with the practicing. BUT, all I really have to say is do you want to win or not? And she replies, yes. A big crown and a sashy thing. After that, she goes back to practicing without a word. She is positively giddy it's in 4 days. While, I, on the other hand, would like to throw up.
I am hoping to post some preview pics and maybe video tomorrow!

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June 11, 2009

The Cool "Celebrity" Twitter List

I am sure some of you may have heard me talk about my cool list on twitter. The same twitter, by the way, that has caused many mommy bloggers Twitter Induced ADD- and we actually twitter what we should be blogging. (This explains a lot about my blog, lately). Oh, and those of you who don't "get" teh twitter...You cannot twitter properly with out a handheld device like, iphone, ipod touch, or blackberry. Laptop is OK, but straight from computer tweeting does not get you the same effect.

Ok, more about celebrity tweets. Most everybody follows a celebrity or two. I do follow all of them, since it has been my goal to get them to talk back to me or "@ me"- if you will. This is when, and only when, they get put on my cool list. (as if anyone cares about my list, but I'm pretending they do, ahem)

So, first, @KathyIreland @ed me. Then, @PGA_JohnDaly. And now, @AlRoker, @TylerFlorence, & @KirstieAlley. And, also, by default, @NiaVardalos (from My Big Fat Greek Wedding and now My Life in Ruins) because she @ed my friend GreekGrits so she gets on the list too. I also give props to a few celebrities. These are celebrities that FOLLOWED ME, before I followed them. Those are: @MCHammer, @MariaShriver, and @Schwarzeneggar.

(um, special props to the person who knows what we were talking about! LOL)

So, there you have it, the cool celebrity list. I will keep tweeting and see who I can add. Do any of you have any cool stories to add??

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June 6, 2009


As you can tell if you have been here, my blogging has been lacking. Just lack of motivation really to keep up. I try, I think I get somewhere, then 2 steps back. I am sure others feel this way about working towards the blogging goal. Plus, I get discouraged that I am not able to attend any of the conferences, or things like that. It's depressing really.

I have a lot of things I think of blogging, but then the time to do it lapses. For instance, the whole JK8 saga. Driving me mad- and not for any reason that anyone seems to be talking about. It's because its one of my kids favorite shows to watch. Therefore, when they are negatively plastered all over magazines and tabloids, and TV news and tabloid shows- then I have to explain. Doesn't anyone realize a lot of fans are kids?? I've also been extrememly ANNOYED with the fact that somehow when I make something that someone ordered, then that really isn't exactly what they wanted- it still seems to be MY problem. That issue has caused me serious stress all week. I still have a headache from it.

Oh, and today is my birthday.

So, I am trying to re-vamp here. I hope you can stick it out if you are still here, through the lull. Trying to get more oraganized with writing so I can be sure and join the blog carnivals I usually do. And I will have to work that in around summer stuff.

Feel free to chime in!

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June 3, 2009

WW: Look at our garden grow!

The kids wanted to attempt a garden. (Translation: Mom attempts a garden) Going well so far!
I'll let you know if we make real food!



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June 1, 2009


Sorry to have been neglecting the ol' blogger. I have been busy with these two.

The first few days of school being out are always a, um, challenge.

Just like the challenge of Grayce making this slide and plunge with NO floaties (like she has on above). I've been working with her on her swim strokes & breathing. And sure enough- by the time we left today, she had slid, plunged and swam to the edge without any flotation devices about 15 times.

She's almost a fish. I can't believe she has come so far in just a couple of days. We're working on the brother. For some reason he decided he can't swim. Even though he can. Not sure about water regression. Anyone? The fact that she can do it only slightly irked him enough that he did do the slide, once. That was enough for him. Just so she knew she didn't have anything up on him. Understand the challenge part now?

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