June 15, 2009

Busy, busy

Well, I've been MIA for a few more days due to the deep clean of 2009. It took me 11 hours to clean out, move a dresser, and touch-up paint Gavin's room. And, I also put up some Uppercase Living art I've had for over a year! Then today I spent 5 hours cleaning out Grayce's room. We have also had 4 baseball games in 5 days, and I am more than exhausted. I am so tired I can't really sleep. And sore. VERY sore.

This one above is a growth chart, so to speak....and its on the wall by the laundry room. It looks really cool there on the blank wall, I think.

This one is to remind certain children what needs to happen when visiting the bathroom. It's on the mirror.

Oh. Look. It only took 11 hours.

Here is the wall art- but on Grayce's dresser. Love how it turned out!

This is the one on Gavin's wall. Really like it also.
So now, I am taking a cleaning break for the rest of the week. Thanks to the hubs for doing laundry, ironing curtains, and emptying dishwasher while I was slaving away in the bedrooms. This FRIDAY we leave for the State Diamond Miss pageant. I feel I maybe resembling a Toddler's and Tiara's mom as of late with the practicing. BUT, all I really have to say is do you want to win or not? And she replies, yes. A big crown and a sashy thing. After that, she goes back to practicing without a word. She is positively giddy it's in 4 days. While, I, on the other hand, would like to throw up.
I am hoping to post some preview pics and maybe video tomorrow!

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~ Jill ~ said...

cute! looks good! I just put up my first UL in my laundry room - like the result but it was a PAIN! Kuddos to you for getting so many done!!! :)

Tammy said...

Good job on the rooms and the "stickers" all look so good!

Good luck to Princess G!!

Unknown said...

They all look great! Love the one in the bathroom. That last one, with the baseball player is in our pediatricians office.


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