December 16, 2009

WFMW: The best place to SAVE!

Three days in a row I am posting! Hot diggety!! Another favorite bloggy carnival! WE ARE THAT FAMILY hosts Works for Me Wednesday. It is an awesome place, check it out!

I feel compelled to EXCLAIM to ya'll my love for It has saved me so much money this past year. I saved $110 on a stay at Great Wolf Lodge for heavens sake. That alone had me sold! No one is even twisting my arm or giving me cash to say so either!!

I've also used it to save over $10 in photo orders at Walgreens just this past week, gotten some wicked cheap pizza deals, saved at sites I didn't even know you could save at. I love it. I head there first for coupon codes. Just type in the place, and it will bring up all there is- and give you a % chance that it will work! There are also grocery coupons, printable coupons, and a community section.

Try this out! It WFM!

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~Rhen @yestheyareallmine said...

You have me sold on it. Going to save it to favs and check it out.

Rebecca Stallings said...

Hey, I think I know you from high school journalism class! Was your last name Johns? It's a small world with the Internet! I live in Pennsylvania now and have a son almost 5.

Don't you love Works-for-Me Wednesday? Thanks for the savings tip.


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