October 27, 2008

Monday Football: We Won & Gavin Scored!

We played at Cleveland Saturday, and won handily...unfortunately Cleveland had not scored the whole season- so we knew beforehand that we may let them score since this was the last regular season game. Late in the 4th, coach called a time out and told the boys not to wrap up on tackles so they could have one score for the season. The refs thanked us many times for it. It was great- especially since what happened to us last week was the exact opposite. Outcome still pending on that! Above Gavin gets the ball to score on the extra point-

but... he doesn't make it in.

But here, in the 4th- he gets the ball again, and trys with all his might and makes a touchdown.

He was very excited. Granma & Pa were there to see. I was taking the pictures- and thus I don't really "see" the game. I didn't even know it was him until the announcer said so!

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