October 9, 2008

The Rest of the Halloween Story (Decor)

Since we found the other parts of the Halloween landscape, I thought I would add those pictures too. So here is my fall porch-scape--which is now Halloweeny!

This is Mr. Fuzzy Spider. He is old and always out crawling somewhere.

Here is my new non-big-sunflowered wreath and wooden pumkin.
Hard to see from this pic- but some have inquired about what my door says. "Welcome- Sit, Stay A While". This is from www.UppercaseLiving.com. There is another link to a cool place like it over in my shopping links section on the left, Wonderful Graffiti.

This is my cute little sign (although it is actually inside the house).

Here is my fall porch chair decorating, with the added boost of Halloween. This very old chair is always on my porch, and no matter the season, is the back drop for my porch decor. This is a new sign this year-- and it's from Stein Mart of all places. It was only 9.99, too. And, if you are a p.o.o.p.i.e over from the Nester- YES, my big non-real sunflower is staying. I took one off the door, alas, I like the orange one and I cannot part just yet. I am working on it.

Over in the flower bed is Spongebob. Three guesses as to who picked this out.

This sign is also new this year. It's a great sign, totally.

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Fishin' Mama said...

Your halloween decorations are adorable!!

Fishin' Mama said...

Your halloween decorations are adorable!!


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