April 12, 2009


Okay, I just noticed that I wrote a post, that is not up? Hmm. Odd that it isn't and that I JUST now noticed. Erg. It was from Thursday.

I have been incredibly upset since earlier this week, with the unexpected passing of one of my blogging mama friend's, dear Madeline who was 17 months old. I was beyond upset. It was so sudden, and final. It's just the worst.

As you can see my blog background is purple, and if you follow me on twitter my avatar is purple. There are 100's of sweet people that have gone GRAPE!! Purple is the color of the March of Dimes. And, now, because we needed one: I am the team Captain for the Maddie team here in Tulsa for the MOD walk. I have a button in my right hand column with a link to sponsor or join my team! Please contact me with any questions about it.

I shall find the lost post soon. I am still working on my new laptop getting all the stuff on it I need. Yes, a new to me laptop. It's shiny and red. It's a DELL. I got it for $160 bucks on ebay!

Until next time.....HAPPY EASTER!

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1 comment:

Anniebanannie said...

Look at Grayce with that straight hair! Little Miss Gorgeous!

Good for you doing the MOD thing!


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