I went through several hours of training to work as an aid in a nursing home when I was 16. (What was I thinking?) The training was fine, I passed, I went out on the floor.
One 1/2 shift later and I was done. Because, ewww. I can't handle the elderly. Sorry, but it's true.
I will always remember what the woman over the position told me. Some people can work with old people, some people can work with babies.
So, babies. I am all about babies.

Yeah -I don't think I could do that either -I would prefer babies too ;)
I'm all about the babies too. You get an "A" for effort though.
You gave it a try! I don't know if I could do it either...the smell in nursing homes turns my stomach. The people I love, the smell I hate.
That pics w/ the lobster baby in the pot is adorable!
I'm with you. Bring on the babies.
It takes a special person to work with either! Ha! I prefer neither.
~Mrs. A
Loved the pictures!
Totally agree with you and with everyone.. Babies it is.
I love old people!!
I couldn't work with either.
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