June 28, 2009

Oh my! An Extremely Random Post

So today, I was doing some cleaning up of the blog layout and I see that a comment needs moderated. This only happens if it's on an older post. Well, low and behold. It's totally made my day. My garage door is on a Garage Door company's blog in Atlanta, GA. I am totally flattered ya'll. That's like the BEST post I have ever done. Perhaps I should start faux-ing more often!

This past week was SO stinkin hot here, that I had NO desire to put this HOT laptop on my lap to blog. We were still recovering from the pageant, and during this hottest week seemingly evah in Oklahellma- our AC broke. I mean, come on. When will the luck change? Tuesday night it was almost 90 degrees in here. You try sleeping in a 90' house and see if your chipper enough to blog. Plus, I had to pay like $200 bucks, I would have much rather spent on something else!

THEN, this past weekend was the annual Tri-Delta reunion over in Stillwater. It's so fun to get to go hang with college friends. Unfortunately, it also reminds you how old people are. *Ahem* Not me, of course. But OTHER people. And, it was 108 degrees out. Today's 98' seemed downright chilly.

Ok, then also- Ed, Farrah, Michael, and Billy all died! Wth? Almost more than I can take. I don't like people being all mean about Michael either. He was a music legend, a video pioneer- I mean, just remember his life before all the fame weirded him out. Please? Because when I think of him, I think of the Thriller album cover and not the missing nose and surgical mask. You can choose to do that like me too, right? Yes, I know you can. Ed and Farrah weren't so much of a shock as Michael and Billy, but sad nonetheless. I'm almost positive that Billy Mays will have died from the head injury the day before at the bad landing of his flight. Just like Natasha. This should make you all aware- if you hit your head, go get it checked out ASAP. No matter what!

Alright. Hope you enjoyed the 'Ketchup' post, as MckMama calls it. Seeing as how I am now watching sportscenter and I am the only one up- I am going to change the channel and relax. Feel free to comment with your favorite Michael Jackson song, and Billy Mays product if you like.

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1 comment:

{katrina} said...

Woo! I'm the first commenter! My favorite MJ songs are "Don't Stop 'Til Get Enough," "Beat it" and "Rock With You."

And, I LOVE OxiClean! It is a staple in our house and I thank Billy Mays for introducing it to me. I've tried the KaBoom! stuff, but it failed me. Oh well! =o)

It's hotter than Haiti here in Bakersfield! We're on our second day of 106* temps! Ugggg


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