So. In our neighborhood, everyone has the same garage door that is painted the same color as the trim of your house. Exciting. We've lived here 7 years, and it was about time for a repaint, since our door faces west, it was starting to fade.
Rather than go with the same ol' Tavern Taupe, I looked, searched, YouTubed, and researched going faux. Then last week, I bit the bullet. I was nervous. But, figured I could paint it back Tavern Taupe if things didn't work out.
First, here is my before door- for reference.
And here is the finished product:
With 2 small cans of Minwax Mahogany stain, and a sponge roller- this is what it came to be. I purchased the stain in a satin finish and then also pre-mixed with polyurethane- so I didn't have to re-coat to seal.
Want to know how? It was easy.
First: POWER wash the door the day or two before. And let dry well.
Second: Since my pattern is the usual square sequence, I put a coat of stain on each square first. Then I added 2 more coats for 3 coats total.
Third: Start the rest of the door. Work in small areas. I used streaking motions. I used only one-ish coats in these areas. It is important to work in one small area at a time, or risk a lot of overlap look.
Fourth: Hardware- which is totally optional. You can get this at Lowe's but it only came in black. The faux hinges and handles did not show up so well in black on the mahogany. I took some sterling silver acrylic and lightly brushed it over the hardware, for a nickel look. And it turned out great. That will need to be sealed- however.
This project, with BIG outcome was just $22 for stain. The hardware was about $40. I love it. And so has everyone else. Even a few neighbors I don't even know, who stopped- got out of their cars and asked me what color it was. So. What do you think? And, if you try it- send me your result!