Over the weekend, I knitted Grayce this hat and crocheted her this scarf...no I am not kidding.
She is very cute wearing them too. If it weren't 72 degrees out, she might get to use them!
Also on the weekend, Grayce painted some art to add to the mantle in the family room. Gavin painted the larger "red" canvas behind when he was about 4. She painted the little one there. They are very 'abstract' talents.
And finally- the sports report...you can read the trophy on your own. Per dad's report, he didn't do to badly for only attending about 3 practices. I am a woman of few words today. I have about 912 things to do now... this is a very busy week.
PS EVERYONE should buy the Travis Cottrell Christmas CD! www.traviscottrell.com

You knitted and crochet'd in one weekend..wow.
I got my shirt...but not in time for the show.
I love it...thank you!!!
Clicked through from Pioneer Woman.
Thanks for recommending Cake Wreck and It's Lovely. Haven't laughed that much in a long time!
Great blogs - yours included!
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