Oh, how I find it ever so fascinating how people come to my blog. Below, are the ACTUAL searches they used to get to me. I did not edit them, because it might ruin the 'effect'.
sprained ankle- well, the boy did have one once. There were a few hits on this. I do not offer medical advice, so I am sure I wasn't any help.
Southern pastime- well, I guess we have several??
what are the southern families like?- I don't know, did you find out what we are like?? If so, please share
Happy Dance animation- this one is probably the most popular because of THIS post--that is next to the image search of my kids at the dentist. My kids at the dentist has had HUNDREDS of hits, especially from other countries. It is SO odd.
Taylor Awift FAmily- Maybe you meant Taylor Swift Family?? Well, we wish we were but we are not. Sadly.
princess and pirate party games- well, sorry to disappoint, but I don't have any of those going on
sorority southern-Is this a new chapter??
aubree southern- nothing like just searching for me. Um, is that scary or flattering?
using shabby princess "blogwear" on blogspot- I do use this because I love it. Thanks for visiting!
DAvey Crockett Pumpkin carving- Davey carved pumpkins? Really?
southern granny names- They are Pauline, Bonnie, Mattie & Delores, Sharon & Dana --you know if you are wondering.
rascal flatts and taylor swift backstage passes October 24- Yeah, obviously I am not the spot to find these. Did you find them? Cause if so, I want to know about it.
Little Quilts- Hmm. Not sure about this.
Halloween story for age 6 years old- Again, sorry to disappoint.
taylor swift southern- Another hope she is related. Sadly, still no.
yearbook yourself cowboy- Is this anything like yearbook yourself cowgirl?
hush-a-bye halloween- Maybe an age 6 story I am unaware of?
family graphic for pre-k- wha?
look at rooms- um, okay. What kind of googling merits this search?
pumpkin carve boots the monkey- Well, I have never seen a pumkin CARVE anything...and I especially wouldn't want to see it carve Boots. That is just not nice at all.
football headers for yearbooks- Yea, did you find that here? Just wondering.
hour for Delta pumpkin patch- I really have no idea on this one.
rush baby hush a bye- Is this another new nursery rhyme? Could be alternately titled: Hurry Up, Be Quiet & Go To Sleep. Then, that's how you might have found me because I say those things A LOT.

1 comment:
This is so crazy, but entertaining!
I found the 'shrink to fit' option so it's a little better. Thanks for the help! I'm still working...definitely in the dating phase of blogging, you know the awkwardness of getting familiar with all of the options! Have a great weekend~ Leean
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