January 1, 2010

Catch-up: Christmas Pageant

Well, I am a little behind in posts. This is ye old family blog, though, so you'll have to bear with me.
Little G was in the FQK Christmas Pageant on December 12th. This was an easy one, you only model holiday attire. That's it.
She had a great time! And.....

even Santa came to visit.

She won Princess in her division and also the Prettiest Eyes title. She has put that dress I wasn't sure she'd wear, to good use! The dress she wore, she also wore as Taylor Swift for Halloween. It's the one I got for a steal at crazy days in Ponca! Glad we didn't pass it up! Next up-Gray is hoping to do a fairly big pageant in early February. She needs to start her own fund raising circuit, soon. Very soon.

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